If you’re sexually active but don’t want to become pregnant, you have a wide range of contraceptive options to choose from. Dr. David W. Foulk and his team of OB/GYN experts at Marion OB/GYN Inc. in Marion, Ohio, can help you pick the best birth control method for your current and future needs. If you’re looking for effective contraception, permanent sterilization, or protection from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), contact the experts at Marion OB/GYN Inc. You can call the friendly and supportive staff.
Contraception is the prevention of conception by using behaviors, medical devices, drugs, or surgical sterilization. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Your lifestyle and needs dictate which contraceptive method is best for you.
Only two types of contraception protect against STDs: abstinence and condoms (male or female). If you’re sexually active and at risk for STDs, Dr. Foulk and his team recommend using condoms in tandem with other forms of birth control. If you use a condom with other birth-control methods, you also decrease your chance of becoming pregnant accidentally.
Behavioral methods of contraception are the most natural, but they’re not always effective. Other than abstinence, you can try:
If you don’t have sex regularly, barrier contraception might be your best choice. Barrier methods are transportable and should be removed either directly after or within a couple of days of having sex, depending on which method you choose.
Types include:
Contraception that uses hormones or devices that are inserted in the uterus to prevent ovulation or conception may also alleviate symptoms of PMS and other hormonal imbalances. Longer-term contraception tends to be highly effective when used as prescribed.
Types include:
When you are 100% certain that you don’t want to have children, you can choose between surgical or nonsurgical sterilization. Surgical sterilization includes vasectomy for men and laparoscopic tubal ligation for women, which are both 99% effective. Dr. Foulk also offers Essure, a nonsurgical sterilization for women in which he inserts tiny devices into your fallopian tubes to close them.
To learn more about contraception or sterilization, call the friendly staff at Marion OB/GYN Inc.